Wednesday, October 12, 2016

#Solido Baking Stone. For Pizza, Breads, Cookies, And Desserts. Review.

We bake a lot of things from scratch in our kitchen. We don't really do junk food. But once a week we usually make a pizza. My nephew loves cheese pizza, and I am a vegetarian, so it works out pretty well. I was given a chance to review a Solido pizza stone. If your not familiar with that. It is just like it says. A stone you use to cook pizza. Not just any stone, It is a stone made to perfectly cook your pizza evenly.

The unique heat spiral heats your Solido pizza stone faster and stores heat in the center. No brown or burnt edges, and cold middles, this stone is specifically designed and tested to cook any product (breads, cookies, desserts, pizza) all at the same temperature and evenly all the way through.

I have been using the product for the last few weeks. And my pizza and cookies, have come out of the oven perfectly. The food doesn't stick to the stone, and the come of easy with a spatula. leaving no food residue. I have become a fan. I don't know how I have been cooking so long without one. The company wants you to enjoy their product as much as I do. So I am including this 15% off coupon code: BAKECHEF, which is good thru 10/23/2016. You can find the product on Amazon. Or my link below.


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