Thursday, October 13, 2016

#TheProtectorBug Book Review

5.0 out of 5 starsGreat book to read with your child, and teach him about not being selfish.

My nephew really loves this Kindle ebook story. He reads it almost 2 times a week. This is a great learning book for kids. The ant (sheldon) and the mosquito (jared), want to be protector bugs (bugs who protect children from .monsters and shadows) But they are told repeatedly that they will never get to be one. The ant's father had to become a bookkeeper. So he tells his son not to try out. The mosquito tries to become one, but he has to race against big beetles, who always win.

The mosquito during the race, stops to help a small bug. Knowing he will lose the race. The beetles just run past the mosquito, and the helpless bug. Soon the mosquito and the bug, both need help. Luckily the ant is reading a book near by. With his help the bugs are all safe. This is a very good lesson on how we should help others and not just help ourselves. When they get back to their homes, and to the center of the city, Jared and Sheldon think the beetles have become protector bugs.

But that is not the case. I will not tell you the ending, because it will spoil the rest of the story. It's a great book foor children to read, and for parents to explain what's happening during the story. I enjoyed it myself. And there are lessons to be learned
. I received this book for free, for my honest review.


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