Monday, March 20, 2017

#twister.CK Adult Brainteaser Wooden Puzzle Review

This game is quite unique. I have never heard of a Klotski Hua Raung Dao Puzzle before. It almost looks like tick-tack-toe. The game is about moving the sun from the top of the board to the bottom (the white dot). This is pretty difficult. My 8 year old gave up after about 15 minutes. I tried for about 30 minutes before I actually could do it. The Game comes in a wooden case. And all the pieces are wooden as well.

I did notice you have to concentrate, and use your brain, to get to the end. It's a Brainteaser! It is recommended for ages 5 and up. But I think that's too young. And the pieces are pretty small for them to handle. All the wood is handmade. And the game and case are very durable. I think the quality is very good. I am happy with my purchase.


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